Hide my ID please and thanks. Alright so it’s a bit of a long story but I’m going to try and cut it short. So
on the 10 th of November I was at work and I got a call stating that one of my son died the person I got
the message from was one of my family member which is not the person who staying with the child. I
didn’t went to the hospital to identify the body neither did I went to the police station because when I
got the news I was in a state of shock, Somebody had to come pick me up from work to bring my home.
Anyways my kids father went and identify the body and went to the police station but basically the
police that should have been on the case didn’t take any statement from him that was his last day at
work he was going on vacation but still took the case. Fast forward to the Monday when I went to the
police station I ask about the police that have the case and I was informed that he was out. I thought
that it could be a family emergency or something why he was out but every other time I went to the
police station he’s not there only to find out in the end he’s on vacation so when I asked for the police
name they didn’t want to give it to me and they didn’t want to give me his number or nothing but they
took my information. Anyways I kept going there hoping that his vacation would be up soon enough
where we could have the conversation that we should have had but that didn’t work. Anyways one day I
took myself and went to the police station and on that Friday I went there I met one of the officers that
works in sudden death and he asked if it’s about my son and I said yes he told me that he received
autopsy date and I asked him what’s the date and he gave me the date for December an he also told me
that the police that’s on the case should give me a call an give me that Information which he already
give so anyways I was there waiting for that call seeing that my information is at the police station along
with his father’s so if the police don’t call me he would call his father but boy was I wrong. Fast forward
to December the week of the autopsy so the autopsy was a Thursday, The same officer in Sudden death
that gave me the information of the date of the autopsy called me I think it was two days before the
autopsy and remind me of the autopsy an he asked if the police called I told him no I didn’t receive any
call from the police that’s on the case. He was a bit hesitant and to me the impression that I got from
him was like why didn’t he call are why didn’t he reach out to the parents of the child so anyways fast
forward to the autopsy day, my child father to go to work to do something and then come back my
mother didn’t go to work so she was there to show her support and my grand aunt didn’t have anything
to do at home at the time so she took the initiative to be there before everybody else only to be
informed on the morning while I was preparing to leave is that the family that was keeping my child was
there. When I got that information I would surprise because when I receive the information about the
autopsy the only persons I informed of the day was my kids father, my mother and my grandmother and
they don’t talk to the people from my child died so when I receive the information that they are there
like my whole body go rigid I couldn’t even move at the time. My baby father had to come for me to
take me there and their statement was it’s a free country an they can be anywhere, but my question is
why did the police contact them to give them such information and not try to contact us the parents.
Funny enough before the autopsy deal neither me nor my kids father didn’t know what the policeman
look like because when he went there the day my son died he didn’t see the police he spoke to a
different police but it wasn’t the police that was on the case it was another police on the day of the
autopsy we were there waiting because I don’t know the procedure or anything about autopsy or
anything we are not used to all this so when I asked questions they told me that the police had to be
there before that autopsy can be done I called back the police at the station that called to give me the
information about the date of the autopsy and that’s how the police could be there at the autopsy and
while we were waiting for the police he showed up but I didn’t know what he look like my kids father
didn’t know what he look like so after a while when he step out of his car the family moved towards him
and my mother and my kids father went over there to the police and that’s how the family didn’t have
anything to say to the police before he could go inside to do what should be done. Anyways we spent
the whole day at the funeral parlor like family members come after we but they got through before us.
We kept going to the man because we actually got impatient. My kids father was the one who identify
the body once more and that’s the time the policeman decided to take statement from our side when
my kids father read the statement from the people, the statement stated that it was the lady who we
hired to keep my baby it was she who took the baby to the hospital which she is not the case the person
that took my child to the hospital was her daughter and the day of the autopsy the daughter spoke and
said she was the one who took the baby to the hospital but still the statement was wrong well my kids
father highlighted that and said that’s not the case. After spending the whole day at the parlor when we
actually got information about the autopsy it stated that it’s pending I asked the officer what does that
mean he was like that’s what the the personal that do the autopsy said and it can take months to get
results because they took samples from his body to send to the lab an It takes months so the baby can
be buried and still no results. I saw other family members got their pink paper to take home so I was
asking about where’s my piece where’s my pink paper whatsoever he said I would have to go to the
police station to pick it up and I said why and he said because there isn’t a reason for his death at the
moment and it’s pending he’s going to call the police station which he did and let them know that I’m
coming the next day to pick up the pink paper. Anyways I went there I asked more questions my mother
asked questions an everything was done but after he was going to his car to leave the other family
member were trying to talk to him but he wouldn’t allow it be cause we were there watching. The next
day I went to the police station to collect the pink paper an the police that was there I told him that I
needed the police to be removed from the case and he ask why I told him that he’s too close to the
other party which I don’t like because instead of him getting our information from the police station to
call us about the autopsy date he gave them the information and they didn’t even let us know about
that they only show up there and it was very uncomfortable. The police informed me that he’s no longer
on the case he was only there to oversee the autopsy and anymore information that comes in about the
baby he wouldn’t get that information I didn’t believe and I kept asking if that’s the case he said yes so I
ask if there’s an estimated time regarding when the result would come back and he didn’t have an
estimated time. He informed me that the thing that I shouldn’t do is to burn the body of the child and I
ask why because that was what I was planning to do he said that if I do burn the body an they want
anymore samples from the baby I’ll burn all the evidence so I should bury him and in case they need
anymore samples they can dig up the body and take whatever they need. All this is from last year
December 2022 I’ve been visiting the station since I bury my baby and each time I’ve been to the police
station I went to sudden death office and the lady there all she does is give attitude each time I ask
about the results I’m impatient be cause it’s been six months since my baby died an I don’t receive any
answers. All I want is justice for my child my innocent child he didn’t even get to live his life I don’t know
the procedure to take to get justice I don’t know who to contact so they can look into this deeper I just
need some help in reaching out to the right person to get the justice that we deserve for our child it’s
been six months and no answers.
Sorry for the loss of your child. How old was the baby ? Why was he living with another family and not yours ? Was there physical bruises or swelling on the body ?
Keep praying and stand strong.
My Advice to you is to GO TO ANOTHER POLICE STATION, preferably a main one in the city & also get someone to help you file official complaints .
* Is there a trusted pastor, politician you know can find or work with ?
I pray God covers and comforts you during this time of your terrible lost. God Bless you ❤️
They took the oath to protect and serve and act like them can pick and choose who to protect and serve. They not above the law! Police punish who breaks the law but they themselves can be punished for doing the same thing! Lady, get some advocate, highlight it pon the radio and any news outlet. Get a pro-bono lawyer and sue them backside!!!
🥺 Oh my, so sorry to hear this. My condolences. How suspicious, frustrating & weird! It sounds like the people watching your son were responsible for his death and the cop was helping them to cover it up. I wonder if they’re in some sort of organ trafficking ring where the lady “babysits” children, and then the child mysteriously dies & that policeman helps to cover it up so nobody asks questions. 😰 I hope you’re able to get assistance from the right people to get answers and hopefully bring charges against that lady or her daughter for murdering your son, if that’s the case. And that police sounds very strange, he should be investigated!
Good Fi Yu