Moravian Church responds to arrest and charge of clergyman, says law must take its course

KINGSTON, Jamaica – The Moravian Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands has moved to assure the people of Jamaica of its continued commitment to stand on its mission to proclaim the Gospel of Christ and to seek the spiritual, educational and social development of everyone, in Christ’s name.

Acting president of the Moravian Church in Jamaica, the Reverend Phyllis Smit-Seymour, in a statement late Friday, said: “We will continue to act with sound governance, in a responsible and responsive way. Within this context, the Moravian Church deeply regrets the circumstances that have led to the arrest of a member of its clergy – a matter that is now before the courts of Jamaica.”

The church said they expect that in this, and any other allegations that may arise, that the law must take its course, and they are committed to respecting and accepting the due process of the law, and the course of justice.

See the full statement from the Moravian Church below:

Acting President of the Moravian Church in Jamaica, the Rev. Phyllis Smit- Seymour, has said that the Moravian Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands wishes to assure the people of Jamaica of its continued commitment to stand on its mission to proclaim the Gospel of Christ and to seek the spiritual, educational and social development of all persons, in Christ’s name.

“As has been done since 1754”, said Rev Smit-Seymour, “we will continue to act with sound governance, in a responsible and responsive way. Within this context, the Moravian Church deeply regrets the circumstances that have led to the arrest of a member of its clergy – a matter that is now before the Courts of Jamaica.,

We expect that in this, and any other allegations that may arise, that the law must take its course, and we are committed to respecting and accepting the due process of the law, and the course of justice.

At this time, we of the Moravian Church must assert our ongoing and unequivocal support for the rights of all people, and especially so of our children, to live free of abuse, and the threat thereof.

Undeniably, recent events have left us battered and wounded by the allegations that have been made. We know that we cannot be completely objective about ourselves, and so have sought outside help and counsel, remaining open to criticism and corrections, towards meaningful change.

At the same time, we are re-examining our policies and processes, as we probe and deal with all the allegations made, with the purpose of maintaining the high moral standards that we have always espoused and expected of all servants and workers in our Church.

In this, we prayerfully seek God’s guidance and support.”


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