This is Munchy Showtime babyfada weh she did deh wid for years . I don’t know what to call their relationship because the 2 a dem did a dash bunn when dem did deh. It looks like Max is in his feelings since Munchy start mine young bwoy and him cah get it no more.. Look at the shade or should i say the love he is throwing for his prior baby Madda. Munchy you always a seh Max and me never see him big you up sooooo yet. After all the years of supporting him, at least him coulda give you little loyalty mums. Munchy you war fi get out all a di otha woman dem weh max did deh wid and him still Doh like you. Munchy mi a pree di girl and see seh is mine you really mine weh max from har. Look how di girl look good and refine. Munchy ” it sucks to be you” dwl .. Max gain back him vision cause him see and kno quality. Di man seh di girl a di only good girl him get. mi wah cry fi you. Booboo Kitty aka Munchy go clean up di Efficiency APT. and get u a life urgently.



  1. Max mout look like one happy pumpum. Like a pumpum weh jus get a proppa fukk an it well happy. Dwllll

  2. That Rass have to be freaky worse him love likes. Any man weh love woman mind dem will do anything no to go hold down a 9-5. Muchie, memba all the dirty girls he slept with before you also got the same service/treatment. To think you a lick it back after Tyesh and Tamika. Ewwww. Di way how youi always over dramatic and a suck out tongue you cah Lysol dem Pumpum residue away from in between him teeth dem. Lmao. DOh meck him lie to you and tell you seh you a di first girl him do it to. Man alwwyas lie and say the generic to every female. But if him is a pro by now you should be able to tell. Gwann yah Muchie,juss wipe some a di juice ina him locks so everytime him fling and flash it he smell you all day. Go deh gal. You winning.In my best sarcasim voice,.

  3. When the obeah stop work lmfao tia did always say munchi love obeah and try to convince her to obeah Trudy for Dave, munchi what happend money run out?

  4. Man always use these dirty sisters and leave them I here tia back with her baby father munchi I wonder how your sister taking it,pls I hope she not loosing anymore weight stressing over that man it’s clear he don’t want her

  5. That family salt bad when it comes to man,munchi you seed to buy your size take showers regular and stop mine man

  6. Max say das him babymada from Florida.. So Tyesh and Munchie dem a no fren? No wonda she unda max pic a post emojis

  7. Oh lord!!! That guy don’t like munchis fi real, him talk bad bout er and is him baby mother, walk and look everybody, he is jus a waste man!! Di man sound like him relief him and munchie leff

  8. Tyesh and max Deha right out him a mind Tyesh cause she not working him put har inna apartment whooie munchy how feel about that the same gal weh chat bad bout veachy why you nuh stay home gal stay bad a Bevon party mi walk past har you see all the lump inna har body no sah Suh who and zan did a fight?

  9. Zan get a rass box Saturday night it’s a shame tho selectors mashing up ppl dance now,the promoter should on give Zan a second beating

  10. So who zan? Him love gwaan like him bad wid him mawga self. Di hole a him dj friend did deh, them never help him? Lol ctfu dreadie get a box

  11. Look, Max is no prize he is a straight up woman beater.Since when Max have money to put anybody up in a apartment? how sway? only thing he got going for him is his HUGE wanker. That’s IT!

  12. A nuh Zan mash up Bevon party unnuh too rass wicked n lie a DUTTY BADMIND SKILLI AND NASTY LOOKING BUBBLES.

  13. zan did get beat up,munchi come off Max name now before him disgrace you some more.the man say you don’t like to shower the money you giving the little boy you need to use buy a car and stop beg ride

  14. Yo I love how tia dun dem you see lol tia say finally her car can rest now no more packing up the bunch of ugly sisters in it

    1. Some ano can tek up fi some low life bitches I don’t get it uno life sad like Tia :hoax2 :hoax2 :hoax2 :hoax2 :hoax2

  15. Max mouth fava one hot dog bread mi jus want slap a sausage inbetween dem dwl.. and sender mi sure the bun naa go stop with this chick him jus ago recycle the hoes when fi her file release.. thats if him did ever stop.

  16. Zan actually did get f**ked up. Anno Shauna alone Zan a f**k. DhqCrystal a f**k Zan, Outlaw & Bevon pon di lowww.. Unno mussi stupid. All of them dutty livity a ketch up wid dem

  17. Did everyone knew that Bevon wears dentures? So when he smiles you see the monkey grunts its finest…..

  18. Why would Shauna be with Zan. This crazy. ShAuna Muss catch disease fi true maybe that’s why she no stop walk and gi whey the front to every man. She don’t even have no class or principals with it jus frig any man that look har.

  19. Y munchy cuss Max bout how him go f**k tyesh munchy love hide nd f**k to much,munchy like how yu win de Rasta a ur man now put pic wid you nd him nuh Cuz remember tyesh did put up pic wid dem a kiss In bed,munchy come popstyle now Cuz a u win rasta British

  20. Lol Philadelphia full a bare shit hole a swear this girl jealous of max n she a f**k other man if me lef a man I could careless what they do but munchy insicure Suh she haffi cuss everybody about max lol she gone breed lol a pretty baby you wah lol munchy dnt have a green card she work under the table n dancehall a Fi dem life uno need a life

  21. You obeah the Rasta cause mi see a Bevon party look like a mad man she tell her friends them sey a she take care a Rasta n him kids lol a Suh you wah man you will do anything to keep him any man weh mi haffi buy mi nuh wah them…. Rasta chat everyone a the gal them him f**k him mouth come like diarrhea

  22. Rasta British sey tyeshia house empty a floor she sleep pon n him sey the way how munchy bed cheap abare noise it Mek you wah see the pussy pon snap a Mek video bout him nuh see the girl yet weh remind him a him mother like boy bye mi nuh know how women deh with certain boy cause him a gal you nuh see zan empty bubbles Skilli n yg niggas lol yg them a buy out Skilli n notime war but in due you will know the notime n Skilli just wait on it… Munchy go buy house n stop invest inna man bout you about your money in nah show pon you Kmt please stop carry that fake channel bag

  23. A who veachy ago be forever petty with a must the lump n sor pon you stay bad body you a be petty with n cah grape what grape you run through crews n friends you f**k Kemar diamond donte Anthony n remember they friends red clown f**k the upper deck man them run through you n munchy Rohan uno so call bestie f**k uno fat man marvin f**k uno Fi bag veachy you stay bad the man them turn you back way you batty deep like well mi nuh know a who a hype uno little rat bat a must these yg nigga cause nobody inna philly nuh like them only two sister have their man a cococa n Maine which she sharing with tia but only them two can put up pictures……uno have money friends tell them Fi move from outta the attic n tek you tv offs the barrel

  24. Munchy give rasta British weed fi sell weh she get from main man and rasta British nuh stop bring back de money short munchy stop complain bout it Cuz a yu want keep rasta British mek yu do all type shit fi him stay wid yu poor gal mi sorry fi yu ,munchy yu seh rasta British nah give yu shit nd yu love money but him suck yu pussy good dat y yu keep him around

  25. The yg boy junior lock up the boy weh stab him a march madness them go a the boy job fi him and these nigga brag bout them bad a police a them shield lol rasta you sell you soul through you luv likes you really suck munchy pussy lol mi stomach sick munchy Dnt feel special him dweet with every gal lol

  26. Suh all these man and tyesh house really empty. Yuh mek the Rasta f**k yuh and not even a stool fi siding pin him couldn’t buy fi yuh. Yuh Mek the Likkle boy trick yuh and f**k yuh say him have money and the world know say him a cotch with him babymother.

  27. these YG BOYS are just BOYS. they dont know anything about street life. they dont know nothing about Jamaica life. they rep Gaze but dont know how the Gaze run. they are not gangster. they are manufacture thugs. dem bad behind the computer but nuh bad inna real life. if munchy want to give the rasta her money that is on her. she a throw cocky padnah and nah get nuh draw.

  28. N da YG Sawga continue seemz like these boys the top of discussion since of lately a mean y’all talking about them everyday like everyday guess its some bitter girls dat they tek a pass on

  29. Talk about something worth talking about like how u gonna pay ur bills this month with ur broke ass Yes!! Im defending YG Cauuse early a Hate no real reason to keep talking about the ute dem

  30. And so what if they is them eva beg u nothing and when since broke is a crime see with unu dutty badmind ppl unu just fear wah unuh can’t understand and hate wah unuh can’t conquer duty germs

  31. Munchy after tell everybody sey rasta British nyam out you pussy n nuh stop bring short money to you fi Maine man weed you come defend them now rasta British put up napkin with him name pon it a who mek it fi you munchy or Tyesh him have it pon fb

  32. munchy yuh a real clown fi mek the rasta a short change you. no amount of good pussy sucking is going to make me forgive him for short changing me on my money especially people money. look like the rasta a get rich off of maine mon money. Met find a next or new topic because this munchy and max and rasta thing is over rated now.

  33. Kelly look like a man
    Veachy someone need fi tell har she fat and favor one stuff turkey
    Shauna look nice
    Maine look cheap and stress wit har ashy knee den
    Munchy slim down nice and need fi share di secret wit she sista

  34. You wah see rasta British and munchy inna the dance lol his cholate drop lol rasta if mi never believe sey you nyam munchy then now mi believe you nyam through munchy can give you Maine man weed you will do anything you going to lose your life because of likes

    1. YOu no see Munchie deck him out ina Burberry Shoes to. GO deh Munchie you a pay fi di looks and the Koki. Rayyy Tyesh go sidung and save your $%$ fi you Kids yah. Munchy can afford to do so is one she have. lol

      Munchy ask Rasta why him tell him baby madda tamika dat him live and deh wid, seh unuh a business partner? dwl I hear seh she and har sis is cooking something up for the No time sisters. Runnnnnn

  35. Y all ppl r a mess

    Wait unuh knw seh philly a di poorest place in da USA. Full a pop dwn house, schools and 1 bagga pop dwn. Unuh nuh fi boast. It’s a derelict mess. So all who a floss a philly. If unuh really have unuh neva wudda live deh suh. Neva mind gucci, burberry and wot else unuh inner poverty da world knw and usa knw. So y all stop chatting shit bout each other yall all broke.

    A dat mi seh….tek real pics of philly and cum chat to mi, chat to mi bak….waste ppl dem yah. Stay in deprivation…..I’m winning….Coz mi nuh live deh suh…real money dnt live deh suh fact….fake bitches fake guys fake lives….all fake

  36. If yuh suh Rich why yuh deh pan Pink wall concern bout Philly and di Fake ppl here. Guh live yuh real life and lo Philly alone! Wi nah look pan yuh!!! WI HAPPYYY…. HERE IN PHILLY!!!

  37. the rasta man babymother need fi f***k him up. cus him A turn her into a fool. that could not be my babyfather who is my husband now. a bare f**k up him would get if he was my babyfather.

  38. A how tyesh she f**ky ducky suh???? Jesus Christ. Woman nuffi stay suh. Minchie give her a man couple years ago now them a argue

    1. How nice of Munchuie to give her a man she slept with while she was with Max and continued to sleep with While Tyesh was with him. Munchie think she a pimp. Chu di bwoy did get tyaad a har and she wah keep the buddy close without the suspicion she Pass him on to dummy Tyesh. Mi no wah no gal set me up pon no man, why you have to be the middle woman?

  39. But the same man did deh wid har friend Meesha cause mi see him a leave wid her last year penns relay dance like dem think dem smart

  40. All them fake as wanna be YG boys nasty like….them dirty. Lukie also nasty. He walk around giving girl dem disease….him not av nothing. Ask him wife Keyo,she a tell me he dirty like. He not av car them 2 Honda him drive fa 2 different woman. Me know off 1 them from the boy Sugar. Sugar say the girl av money. I see him with the other big fat uman. I hear them YG not friend them war about rasta british brother sell the other car. Them all broke likkle boys. Munchie you keep fuk the broke as boy and Lukie you need to stop giving disease n fuk ever uman u think gone give you something.

  41. SO who is Rasta British with for sure now?. Wehenever him and Munchie and Tyesh ina party, him standup ina corna like he don’t know neither of them. Evryday Munchie get up a drop word pon social media like him choose she.lmao. How can a man choose either when him ina him baby madda Tamika bad every night. No man, unuh delusional . Di bwoy straight diss all a unuh groupies weh a war ova him. di only claim unuh get is when him jump ina unuh hol dat day. afta dat no knowings,dwl, sad bad.

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