You see god don’t like ugly munus the way you hyped last year in Ja mek you never get back your visa on time to go hype this year ..stop pretending that you are in Ja ..well dress up matching tracksuit with ziggy & king a go a airport like you traveling 😂😂😂😂 you see where hype from you to 😂😂😂 you big mad that you not in Ja don’t if 😂😂😂😂

Grown ppl doing stupid stuff to impress who?
Isn’t she Jamaican?… Why would a visa be needed to travel there?
N.B. I’m just asking…
Only a crazy person would do that
Munus bruk and don’t have money to hype this year a Jamaica the whole off her fren dem out there and she deh England a hide
Visa? From England to go Jamaica? Since when u need a visa? And where is the Pic of her at the airport?? Cus it no deh pon ig!
To be honest, mi nuh really like Di gal munnus, but mi no grudge har neither. So I will say this, if you rejoice when a person nah gwan wid nutten, you will drop down when time they buss! U ah talk about her last holiday which was over a year ago like it burn u up until now. So now u no see her fly this year, u rejoice!
But Fret not sender, Di other germs dem reach an keep us entertained. Man body Jackie, big belly stay bad Gillian beg fren, old face mine man neika… one bag a old Skettel, make ja look like a geriatric home
Jackue cousin neka fi go sidung with her shape bad self n hunch up self. She ever a hype n stay bad. Kill her dead she hot. Only if sexy lue did have your clothes, oh my. Sexy lue hv the body n shape but she need whole heap a clothes. Nika u shape bad and dont look good.
Neika and Jackie is no cousin..Neika walk and beg clothes friend and red eye fi ppl things.. one big bad mine gal that and walk and tek every top man and act like she a saint.. Munus mek she know good clothes..
Fash fash, u so Right… neika an Jackie is not no family. Remember neika use to live in headscarf an foam slippers still she buck head with munus an kiss bare ass an give out all these favor in order to be accepted in Di crew! Neika use to move like a lEnglish girl and gwan like she all Propa till she start move with dem an turn into another dancehall teggareg. Sexy lu really look Di best outa Di crew, she pretty and shape good 4 true. Mi see neika in all ah dem hand me downs. Neika u is a bld clot wannabe!
But wait how nobody talk about Gillian she favour one man. But wait munus never reach down this yeah if it funny one more time. Gillian Jamaica don’t fit yu u look disgusting big face Gillian
Gillian sexy
Lulu shape a buy shape .let’s talk about the natural girlslulu f**k out like