When I search and see where cherry garden is it don’t look anything like this
He made this post saying his neighbor house caught on fire but his didn’t
Now please tell me if house in cherry garden look like this
He made that post telling people that his things got destroyed and people believed him and are giving money to help in which nothing like that happened
He is a big scamma man
Remember he went and broadcast that he is looking for his son and he stated his number and somebody gave it to us to reach him
And he’s been making post about his son every second and now that I confronted him about his ways this is what he has to say
8/17/17, 1:47:48 PM: Karibbeanvybz: I am willing to speak to you as an adult but you are becoming enraged because your lies caught up to you.
8/17/17, 1:49:03 PM: Karibbeanvybz: If he’s not your child why did you go on national TV to find him.
8/17/17, 1:49:30 PM: Karibbeanvybz: Oh wait you found out that he lives in the US so you thought you could have gotten something from him
8/17/17, 1:49:49 PM: Karibbeanvybz: In which you probably could have but you went about it the wrong way
8/17/17, 1:50:13 PM: Karibbeanvybz: Bishop the Bible tells is about false prophets
8/17/17, 1:52:39 PM: Karibbeanvybz: I know where cherry garden is and what I know is that you don’t live in cherry garden so pastor please stop making yourself look even worst that you already appear to be
8/17/17, 2:08:30 PM: Karibbeanvybz: You have ten million dollars and can’t even buy a proper slippers. Ten million dollars and live in the ghetto! Ten million dollars and can’t seem to feed your self. Bishop spear me. Your threats are as dry as your dirty foot back. Bishop you don’t scare me!!!! Call me all the names in the books I know who I am and the Lord above knows me because he created me and you. I don’t have to pretend to be something that I’m not to be accepted in society. I am Kym and that’s just it.
8/17/17, 2:12:05 PM: Karibbeanvybz: I have received phone calls with the dirty scammers trying to scam people and when they notice that they won’t achieve anything then they start with vileness and that’s exactly what you are doing bishop. Man of God be careful of the words you speak towards me and my family! Remember my help comes from the Lord and he said touch not thine Lords anointing. So be very careful Mr false prophet.
8/17/17, 1:35:15 PM: Karibbeanvybz: You are nothing but a dirty scammer weh walk down a town in a you dirty tear up clothes and beg so don’t feel like I don’t know your true dirty colors Bishop
8/17/17, 1:35:15 PM: Karibbeanvybz: And the church will soon find out who you are as well
8/17/17, 1:37:17 PM: Karibbeanvybz: Bishop is a teaching leader and I can’t imagine what you teach your congregation
8/17/17, 1:38:14 PM: Karibbeanvybz: I don’t need evidence of anything
8/17/17, 1:38:25 PM: Karibbeanvybz: My God is my evidence
8/17/17, 1:38:31 PM: Karibbeanvybz: He’s who I look to
8/17/17, 1:38:37 PM: Karibbeanvybz: Come with money for what
8/17/17, 1:38:39 PM: Karibbeanvybz: ?
8/17/17, 1:38:53 PM: Karibbeanvybz: Bishop Cameron this is sickening
8/17/17, 1:39:43 PM: Karibbeanvybz: Bishop Cameron
8/17/17, 1:39:53 PM: Karibbeanvybz: You know nothing about me
8/17/17, 1:39:55 PM: Karibbeanvybz: Lol
8/17/17, 1:40:17 PM: Karibbeanvybz: Which is why I will not entertain you
8/17/17, 1:40:20 PM: Karibbeanvybz: Lol
8/17/17, 1:40:32 PM: Karibbeanvybz: I don’t make threat
8/17/17, 1:40:40 PM: Karibbeanvybz: god sees and hear all
8/17/17, 1:40:56 PM: Karibbeanvybz: Bishop you sound angry
8/17/17, 1:41:56 PM: Karibbeanvybz: god sees and hear all
8/17/17, 1:41:56 PM: Karibbeanvybz: Bishop you sound angry
8/17/17, 1:43:55 PM: Karibbeanvybz: I don’t need to prove to you who I am! So if you see me as prostitute and I have hungry belly kids then so be it. You are angry and upset because I would not allow you to take advantage of Dain and scam us out of our money.
8/17/17, 1:44:36 PM: Karibbeanvybz: You are angry because we know you don’t live in Cherry Garden and that’s ok as long a roof is over your head that all that matters
8/17/17, 1:44:59 PM: Karibbeanvybz: You find it ok to lie and when the lies catch up to you then you become defensive
8/17/17, 1:46:16 PM: Karibbeanvybz: Bishop you should be conducting yourself like a man of God
Sender why you go mess with pastor aka “mada lashe”? This pastor don’t have nothing God about him. Pastor sound like an be of dem higla man whe sell down town Kingston.
What a dirty disgrace, me want douse him wid acid inna paint pan. How den things den a come out a the mouth of “man a God” unno want judgement.
Forward mi fellow bloggers mek we try a case ya in the court of Pinkwall’s Public Opinion! !
Defendant Bishop B C…we find that. ….
You’re guilty of appearing/sounding like yuh have extra sweet sugar in ur flamboyant tea tank.
Such a damning statement that essentially from a woman is in dancehall dem is a whore!!hmmm who knew!!??I’m sure only saints in ur church then bc!?
Lying..not even a smart one but the chupidest crocus bag a lies ever!!I can guarantee you that if a house burn dung a cherry gardens it will make the news in like 9 countries. It would be the top story in Jamaican news!
You claimed the belly to raise funds n when you reach your target $10mil u now unclaiming di belly!!??wtf yo!Kim you’re credible so stand yuh grung against this imbecile Bc with his empty threats!
Bishop BC yuh is a Bumbo Claart..Go SYM straight with yuh one bag a yappings crap.SYM again and again n lef di ooman n her ppl!
Di Bishop Sounds Like A Fish.
Bishop Cameron judge not least he be judged. So it safe fi say u is a scamma weh a scam in the name of the lord u ago burn Inna burn in the pit of hell.
This man sounds clearly upset and he’s so disrespectful.we have to be careful of the pastors in this tedious time .the bible speaks of them …they comes in many different forms for e.g. Scammers….
Bishop = battyman an teef.
To you Bishop Battyman! You sound like an angry bitch weh nuh stop get f**k pon. Yuh beg fi decent son and frighten. You shoulda pay Dain fi even carry d Cameron name. Duppy bat! So u mean to tell mi seh decent Ooman woulda really gi youuu jacket? Oh please! It actually sounds like u a carry Pussy feelings for ur daughter in law. Ole teefin hungry belly rubba mouth scams. Gweh… I rebuke yuh!
Is this really a bishop??? U sound very disgusting for someone who call ur self man of God!
Dirty Sir with the dutty bak a market slippers, bout you a bishop. Wid yuh Noah’s ark batty hole. How dare you!! The only thing weh suppose to a clap and a follow you a Yuh two loose batty jaw dem, cause you a trace like a under cover batty bwoy. A hope Yuh see this and pick a number and answer mi BBC call, cause anybody weh come fi my people them just resurrect the entire chapter a revelation !!!I advise Yuh fi go get two bag a cement , a heap a gravel and go read two psalms and bury Yuh BBC self . Yuh life sadda than the hole Yuh climb out a.