1. It is so sad that His fans thought his Mom was already rich, but none knew the money she had was because of her Man who was in the Drugs game and her stripper days, SMH. If only they could investigate more they would have found out that her Man has never hold a 9-5 and Cleo never had a job either other than whoring and scamming. R.I.P X. When Cleo man sent Met the letter supposedly from his lawyer, it’s because he was scared his business would be out there and maybe eventually investigated.

  2. Scamma dem deh yah… Hunnu too nuff doe a dat fi reach ooooo.. go donation to di freaking starving kids. No donation neva needed desso.

  3. Nicki Minaj and rest a rap community a send her money so the child and her never want for nothing again . I wonder how many poor women that kept there kids struggle work three jobs never give up them child for chanel bag and luxury living who could use the help but this old wicked well set for life on behalf of a child she had on the streets at 14 year old ….. this world sad yuh f**k

    Cleo needs to go work like everybody !! This lady gets everything she wants i guess

  4. Ofcourse she is scamming. She said she needs people to donate because it was X’s final wish, I don’t believe her. He was doing his thing without donations when he was alive. His music is bigger than ever now if she really wants to prove that she is not a criminal and she is being real and true then she should put some of the proceeds of his royalty cheque towards this.

  5. Theres a lot more to this storyyyyyyyyy…n im waitinh for the real Facts to come out about cleo n her man especially him….theres so much to this story….im waiting

  6. F**ka Dem is 100% right.. If she wants to carry on with his wishes, she should donate his royalty check

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