hi met good day, dis gal lisa from sandy park claim she a Christian, she run go baptize and all she do a tek ppl husband, she and har daughter have a habit of tekking ppl man . di daughter run gone breed fi ikel marvelous n di madda lisa a tek mi husband. yes di big black man a mine we still legally married, yuh have 5 pickney n every minute u have a next man wah kinda role model u be?
Pika pika pikachoooo!!Sender maybe it’s a different God she serving from yours so him nah smite her fi tek ur hubby.
I guess men have no mind of there own when it come to making a decision to cheat on their wife, guess he is a over size child and was taken advantage off by the girl on the side.
The day a woman see that it takes two to make something happen , then and only then you will figure out it is what the man entertain will continue to happen, embarrassing or fighting another woman over that man will only make you as the woman / wife look stupid.
Men are not babies stop treating them like one. Because you’ll get that girl that is cheating with out of him life but the truth is he will get another.
The husband like him is called f**kboy and they can’t be husband material. Sad truth