Da people dem see right thru Cleopatra not even ago call her a Madda. Like how can you be a groupie towards your own child, she don’t even refer to him is Jahseh but X. B*tch you need Jesus, wid a muma like u he’s in a better place resting in peace. He was buying her love and she was taking advantage of him but if was not true love from a mother to a child. Since he became X that’s all she post, and before he was non existent I’m her life. Cleo you are disgusting human being


  1. Where was all this concern about him and his mother before he passed? If he didn’t commit suicide all his younger years of struggles he wouldn’t have now. These devil’s in disguise only use the net to terrorize people. Left the woman. Bitches and their children are alive right now and nobody concern. A the money he dead left that she may be getting everybody a mad over becaus now she will be in a better position than them. Smfh

      1. The dynamics between a mother and her child should be no concern of yours either Cassie. It cannot be taught in a classroom or practiced in a profession. You intentionally play devil’s advocate Suh till yuh start sound like the f*cking living born satan. It took you watching the video of cleo at the vigil for you to get it, or so I thought, and yuh still come back today with your denseness. Mi bun out rapist (JahCure) abusive and neglectful parents(Cloe) and their defenders. Give up man. God forbid the day smaddy violate your child ( I highly doubt yuh have any), just sing Kum bah yah and go to your damn bed.

    1. You are one of the worthless mother/father who did not take care of your child and want them to come and take care of you now innit? Pathetic! No one has to mad over her money, it will dry up soon, she is a ghetto hood rat who loves likes and name brands. Mooveeee.

      1. My beef with cleo is the potential that was lost in Jahseh..Imagine if he really got a good upbringing? Not to say it would have saved his life but he is an intelligent young man to have been raised by the streets…he would have been a genius ..I dont care about her brands cause Ive never cared for brands but the guilt I would have felt if I were her would not send me on social media at all

        1. I agree :shakehand2 I don’t believe in someone is not ever mature to have kid either, your maternal instinct kick in after you have that child, so I don’t know why people coming here to make excuse for these parents, I had my first when I was 18 and I did not drop him off for dayyysssssssss, and don’t tell me she has mental issues either she had a son after X and she was pretty much into that child. I honestly believe if she was there for this young man as what you said he would have probably did real well in school.

  2. I’m sorry but mi tek fass and guh look. From her insta early days, it was mainly about her, her man, her best friend plus friends, her likkle bwoy, her material stuff. Then its like an afterthought she dash een the young man every year pan him birthday. Very rarely non birthday mention.
    You saw the bestfriend and man more than anybody else oh plus all har luxury. Then lo and behold since 2016 or so Xxx dis and dat. I dont care what anybody waan sey, dat gal did not and still do not display no kind of motherly affection. And mi nuh waan hear jack bout everybody mourn differently!!! Di gal ah waan wutliss cutliss from the get go.
    Mi have mi one son wey mi struggle wid since him fadda drop out. Him neva not one day affi struggle fi get my attention or love. Him inna him early twenties ah guh college and mi deh dey every step ah di way from birth till now. Every disappointment, every achievement, every parent teacher’s meeting, when mi caan mek it teacha get call, every race him run when he ran tracks. When he struggled in math at the end of high school, tutor dash een. Every time him doubt himself ,him have him own cheerleading section. Yuh tink ah suh raise pinkney guh??? Yuh nuh just dey, dey fi di applause and awards, yuh fi dey dey fi both failures and success. Encouraging a child into the adult years, nurturing is way more important dan buying jordans and other brand. Listen tuh dem, encourage dem, discipline dem. Bun mi fi dah gal yah and di puppa tuh! Wi anuh fool, even di blind can see that he was “loved” and “appreciated” when $$$$$$$$ start run!

    1. It’s good that you were able to do all that for your child.

      Sadly, for whatever reason, some people just do not have a natural mothering instinct.

      I personally feel that the young age she had him at has a lot to do with her half hearted mothering. And yes, I know that there are some young mothers out there who ARE able to bring their child/ ren up appropriately. However, from what has been said, that ability seemingly missed this woman.

  3. I agree with dwrl ppl want u to do good but laws forbids u start doing better than dem. Hate start, lies begin! The same angry broke ugly ppl who post here made up ig acct to troll her there! F**kin cowards! And question, how many young suicide victims parents knew they were suicidal?

    1. Dwrl nah talk facts…people like jahseh keep fighting until their late 30ties and 40ties where life begins to make sense…and the excuses about their life makes none..he is still a kid and in the dream stage of his life..dont get suicide twisted..he was not singing about it for no reason..

  4. Y’all fail to mention or even see that she post HBD post every year for her beloved son. She probably didn’t post him as much because he was a teenager and didn’t want to take pictures as you can with a child. Y’all post his pics and parents info how about you promote his music since you’re so interested in him now. He has great music btw Oh and back to Cleo, though she wasn’t the greatest young mom, she’s definitely made up for in her adulthood! You have some Jamaican men 4 kids later, still a f**kin deadbeat. At least there has been some approvement in her parenting, hello she took in Adrean’s BM from New York daughter before she was the age of one! Give props where props are due and post his music met!

    1. It betta yuh neva seh di last part. Because it just make her look more selfish towards her own flesh and blood. Suh she tek in a child that wasn’t hers and lef hers out pon the street. Because if she took the child since the child was a year old …..then X had to have been a kid still. Smh Mi tink only man neglect dem own flesh and blood ….an tek up and mind odda woman pickney that is not theirs. I guess not.

      1. She was 30 at the time not 17 smh she probably didn’t have a house herself to live in when Jah was born! So I have an idea let’s curse her mother smh

  5. Keep defending har. No accountability whatsoever. Hear wah, people if oonue dont have the time, love, patience nor discipline to raise ah child, just nuh badda put yuhself inna di position fi di accidental births. Both Male and female! Oonue bring dem come like puppy lita and dash dem dung fi suffa, den nuh waan John public fi have a blasted opinion, when oonue same one blast oonue dutty life all ova social media.
    If oonue nuh waan people fi chat keep oonue life private. Oonue waan following like oonue ah movie star? Well den guess wah? Oonue ah guh get treated like celebrity. Wi have all right tuh wi opinion cause oonue put oonue business out there. Shi put har self out dey. Look how much celebrities out dey and wi nuh know nuttin bout dem ma nor pa???? Dem want di attention suh deal wid it!!! Oonue mussie ah get pay by di hour fi defend dem image. Oonue ah wah publicists??? Well if oonue a get pay excuse me and carry on. I won’t sey anything else since ah work oonue ah work.

  6. Marsha is him First Lady suh why she never tek her in ??? Go sleep yah bout birthday the man seh it a nuh hear seh him seh him give trouble fi she come a the school !! No sahhh must some idiot a look a man out if Cleo cause Florida knows she did not speak of that boy and not even in her bio u she had two kids it was only mother of a king Aiden !! So stop it it’s not now people see har fi the evil mummaaaa she is but him dead now and she is trying to get all the attention in the world now everybody a try find him babymother and bout 100 gal a seh is them what kind a mumma does this things 4 days from the child murder

  7. Marsha ass is emotionally unstable. Him having that baby on her damn near killed her, sent her straight to the hospital. The little girl take to Cleo more cause Marsha was too envious and weak cry all over the place smh

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