1. Wow, the lady cup full and i hope the one who is taking set on the lady get disciplined. A long time mi hear say the wost bitches are the female police that supervise others, dem sleel dem way to the top a lot of female police. Wat if this lady did pull her gun n put a bullet in her damm head. She need to leave the damm woman and the commish need to stop f uck dem because wen he does or any big man f uck some of those police women dem think dem reach. Disgusting woman need to leave the lady alone, is which police office dat because i need to call up the commissioner office too.

  2. It’s obvious this police is under some severe stress….likely caused by her coworker. This is actually very unsafe for the public. It really look like the other lady messing with her to. I hope the commissioner sort this out

  3. Lololol Chaplin need fi do a exorcism pon har…lol

    That said lol she will be facing the board because she could have use the chain-of-command to address the issue. Now she come off as a mad woman.

    The women wid cock connections do take set on others like ticks pon mongrel.

    Madame, I hope you get justice and a desk for a while.

    1. indeed ! Maybe she went to her superiors and she was ignored. Maybe the other cop knows that she have so much power over her and knows how to press her buttons. But anyone looking on will know the cop venting cant be mad. it must be coming from somewhere. And those recording should not have placed it on social media. Should have been dealt with internally. It does not look good for the force overall

  4. The one dat taking set annoys me man, why people think dem must mek people life a living hell. Gosh these are the things dat help drive up murder rate, if a did some police them keep quiet u see n send man go bullet har clath.

  5. Look like C Spring Station. Is whe di bitch dat tekkin set name? Is Brimm she said? I feel it for the poor lady till tears come to my eyes. I felt her pain as she come back from sick leave is dis Force Cacki Cooler a harass di ooman when shi waan go lunch.

    Big up whoever is di officer that videoed it, he/she know whe a gwaan why dem do it. Onoo nuh see Inspector a di door di whole time n dont do or sey nuttin.

    JUSTICE FI DIS POOR HARRASSED TILL SHE AT HAR BREAKING POINT OFFICER. Commish beg u a speedy transfer fi har preferably a desk job mek she get back herself in order. JUSTICEEEEE

    1. Missa Q fi remove him big hole baby mumma from the station dem! A so ellington whore and har family dem did tek set a a St. Thomas station dem

  6. I believe the officer. Jamaican female police officers are some of the worst people in the country. They are quicker to assault citizens than the male officers. Most of them bring their problems to work. Plus police learn to intimidate people so if a police officer say they’re being intimidated, I believe. It seems as if the harasser wants the woman to resign, so she is making life difficult for her. Imagine she want to demote the woman and lessen her pay? Anyone would lose it right there.

  7. Is Constant Spring Police Station, is “Miss Green” she in charge. Think she was at Half Way Tree station once. Poor woman fed up; instead she a do her job she a harass the poor woman.

  8. This look sad, i feel it for the poor lady, i hope the matter gets resolved fairly, but then again, the officer would have the Police Services Commission to deal with the matter if the Commissioner fails to treat the matter fairly! i can feel the frustration the woman is experiencing, working in the public sector especially in the ministry of security and its department and with the uniform civil servants its a different experience and things like this happens daily.

  9. Uno hear good, the lady say, miss green u and u matie plan up n tell lie pon me, she say the one whey tek away mr. Quallo from you, mi a wonder a which quallo she talking. Seems like miss green been f ucking har whoring way up the ranks. I hope like how this leak dem sort har nasty whoring self out, she lucky the lady flip this way and a nuh dovecot or meadow rest was her final resting place 3 week from wen she terorize the lady. I have no sympathy for work place bully supervisors or managers, people gonna flip n start stab up dem clath. Dem go a the office n want treat people like kids, carry news on people n do things to make people lose them honest bread, it may not be murder but there should be a penalty for people who comit those crimes. Tek 75% of their salary for a year and pay to their victims. Well miss whoring green is on blast now n the comish has order investigation. Mi nuh wrong the police, mek she vent n smaddy vedio n put dat bitch whey a tek people man pon blast, wicked. People like miss green must not have no form of authority n u have more in the jcf dat want discipline too. Pon loop the amount a people dat comment.

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