Gm Pinky, Share and HMID please and thanks.
I am gonna try and make this as short as possible.
I am in a relationship for almost 10 years. My partner is a “face boy” and him very wild. Even before we got serious he was wilding. Him is a WHORE‼. I stood by him through thick and thin. Through all the cheating , disrespect and everything, I was there. All this time I’ve been nothing but faithful to this man. I would cry nights after night thinking, when will he change. I begged him to change. Before i came in the picture this man already been with 50 something females. I am not exaggerating. 4 years in the relationship I had my first successfull child with him. A beautiful baby girl. I started falling out of love with this man after the birth of my baby. I spent 12 hours in labour. I was unconscious after giving birth the only thing I remember was her cry. I wont go too much in detail why I said I started falling out of love.
Another 4 years passed and he was still the whoring man I met in the beginning. He takes care of me and our princess. He supports me in whatever I do and I appreciate that. Emotionally, mentally , with him I am not happy. I kept holding on to idek what. I kept telling myself that I am still in love with him even though I knew it wasnt 100% true but I was trying. I HATE TO START OVER😩 so I stayed. The relationship got abusive. It started earlier but it wasnt so often. It got worst has the days go by, months and years. Things started happening infront of my baby I started having scars, brusies. He would accuse me of things he is doing. One time I use to make a big deal out of it but I stopped and thats when the abuse got worst. Him cheating and doing whatever he wanted out in these streets stopped bothering me and I just didnt care anymore. So he thought I was cheating. I wasnt tbh I just didnt care anymore. My love was dying. I begged this man to go to a counselor with me and he refuse
I used to turn guys down , I dont talk to anyone. I cant even have male friends, only his friends and he dont even trust them around me.
I met this guy last year and we started dating. This guy made me realize that starting over is not so hard and I was settling for way less than I deserve. My baby daddy found out about us and that is when the abuse got even worst 😭😭😭 He finally realize that I am no longer in love with him. He is now begging me to stay, begging for forgiveness for all that he had done to me, begging for another chance. Sometimes i feel so sorry for him when I see him crying at nights but I remember when I was the one crying and he would be in bed fast asleep. I am not inlove with him anymore , he cant seem to accept it no matter how much time i tell him. I dont know what to do.😪 Maybe its my fault. I kept going back. I learned the hard. I am living in fear and I just dont know how to get out of all this.
Your problem is with yourself. You have little value placed on yourself. Why do you believe you settled for an abusive cheat and stuck with it for an entire decade? Where did you lose yourself in life to think this is what you deserved? Why did it take you having to meet another person for you to see your worth? You do not love yourself at all. That you would even seek the advice of strangers regarding you returning to an abusive man is mind boggling to say the least. Love yourself and make decisions that are beneficial to you.
Unless you are in the situation don’t be quick to judge. It’s always so easy when you on the outside looking in. Words of encouragement would of been helpful to the sender.
Then why have you not provided the words of encouragement that you feel the sender needs?
If the sender cannot find anything positive out of what I have written then she is not ready to hear anything from anybody.
The person may not have provided words of encouragement as he or she does not have any, and that’s cool. The greatest thing is they decided to say their piece then keep it moving, I also believe in keeping quiet if there is nothing good to say.
My goodness, how hard could it be to find words of encouragement or something good to say to someone in need? Gosh, especially when one comment is supposedly negative all anyone would have to do is to take the supposed negative statements and rewrite them as positive. Seems like nobody even those who believe in keeping quiet if they don’t have anything good to say, truly cannot find even one beam of light in the darkness to help the sender in her plight. I wonder why it is so difficult. Mtscchw