A COMMENT ON FACEBOOK-What she meant with this picture,,,,,,,, no body hate black man before…. until the white men came to Africa with this book. And made the big fool out of black man.. to let him know that Jesus is white and holy…. and the devil is black… black man can only be used as selves or be killed,,,or for medical experiment…….

What are your opinions about the bible being depicted in this way and the fact that some people see the bible as a tool for slavery?


24 thoughts on “SLAVERY AND THE BIBLE

  1. A quick bit of research would show an enlightened person that the muslims had been slaving africans for thousands of years before white europeans ever ventured to africa.

    nice race baiting though.

  2. Evening Met and Metters

    After all history did say all they (white man) were harmed with was a gun and a bible…
    The same bible weh teach Black folks to turn the next cheek and thou shall not kill is the same bible the white man use fi kill we and beat our asses silly.

  3. Ephesians 6:5

    Slaves obey your earthly masters with respect and fear and wit sincerity of heart…Serve wholeheartedly as if you were serving the Lord not men.

    There are many many verses in the bible promoting slavery.

  4. What the Bible says about Slaves#facts check it urself.

    Slaves can be bought n sold n inherited..Leviticus 25,44-46

    You can sell ur daughter into slavery..Exodus 21:7

    You can buy a female sex slave for yourself or ur son,if u Don’t like her,u can sell her again but not to foriegners:Exodus 21:8

    You can rape captive women but u cannot resell them as slaves :Deutoronomy 21:10-14

    U will not be punishe for Killing ur slaves as long as they Don’t Die immeDiately :exodus 21:20-21

    Slaves must submit to their masters even if their master is harsh:Pauline Epistels n 1Peter 2:18

    Slaves must serve their Christians Masters better than other masters :1Timothy 6,1-2

    Slaves must accept their position with humility : Ephesians 6,5-8

    Slaves must please their masters in EVERYTHiNG :Titus 2:9 n Colossians 3:22

    To name just a few.

  5. As a student of the teachings of Thomas Paine n his book the Age of Reason,we too reject that the bible is the word of God. We recommend cutting out the church who represents the corrupt middle man n link Directly with the one True GOD.

    The Father of Creation is the one true GOD n He speaks to us through HIS works n WORDS that is Mother Nature not a collection of man-inspired books voted on by corrupt special interests. I only accept n rate the Psalms in the Bible as they speak to giving GOD all the glory n expressing Gratitude for HIS Mercies.

    We agree That many gooD ppl have lived good lives n done great things believing in the bible.Thus we have no issue for anyone choosing that path as their Destiny nor knocking anyone’s religion. To each his own but one can come to know GOD without its many falsehoods contained there within.

  6. @Yardie
    Good evening!

    Mi know yuh not lying.. I grew in the church and grew up thinking Jesus was white with blonde hair and blue eyes (because that was the image introduced to us), and grew up on hearing things like tun di next cheek and all that from my mommy and grandmother but my daddy wasn’t having none of that crap.
    As mi get older and started reading the Bible fi miself I started having questions and all I get from Christians was that I was being and stubborn and mi a fly ina God face’ so I left the church.

    Too much contradictions and inconsistencies, I don’t even know what to believe because nuff parts a di bible missing and nuff add-ons.

  7. @Yardie
    I wanna get in on this Thomas Paine fellow too, see if I can find time to read.

    Mussi das why white Christians and churches don’t speak out about the injustices Blacks face because as slaves we’re getting our just rewards and treatments.

    Gi yuh joke, I once visit a church my cousin was going to and about 90% a di members look like dem was a bread crumb away from triple poverty BUT still they were giving up dem life savings to “sew a seed to be rich” while di IMpastor look like a fat cat… I wanted to ask badly what type a God were serving weh allowed them to live in squalor and the pastor in luxury but I just smh.. and could you believe what the starter kit “sewing seed” amount was? 50 damn $$$ then it goes up to 100 if yuh wah sew big.

  8. A very good Evening Y’L, we’ve had some stalwarts bloggers Drop some knowledge pon here from time to time. Hence I extend welcome to ur refreshing posture to us having a worthy discussion on this.

    Going to Little Tokoyo to get some Chinese food ya now…isn’t it weird Tokoyo inna Japan but them a serve chiney food lol?? In any event I will have a hour or so of free time so let’s really get into it n explore some more nuh!

  9. Ok let’s start with the basics n then we can share war stories cuz I’ve been banned from so many churches local n overseas it ain’t even funny. I even got kicked out of a Cuban church n they aint even Christian kmft!

    Basically as the famous Quote abt the Africans go:paraphrasing

    First when they came,we had our lands and they had the bible.They told us to close our eyes n Prayed n When we opened them,We had the bible n they had our land!

  10. @Yardie
    So basically they did us like they did the Indians but the only difference the Indians got paid out and we got played out?
    An yes if yuh start ask questions in the church dem will draw pitch forks and knives for you.

    Regarding Japanese Chinese food: a Chinese friend of mines said majority of Japanese restaurants are owned by Chinese, so it nuh surprising.

    *fyi* mi deh yah from di site was a site but I RARELY comment unless something is to my likings or if mi know a likkle sumting…
    You’re known to me as “Happle’sider” lol

  11. If we should follow the Bible because it is God’s words then that nuh simply means we must accept wi position with dignity?

    From mi a guh a church from mi yeye deh a mi knee mi NEVER si or hear pastor quote dem scripture deh weh yuh type suh a wah, pastor a pussyfoot round di issues to? Mi noticed a is mainly Rasta man guh tru the Bible with a fine tooth comb and speak up.

  12. Yea a true mi nah gi whey Princess Apple fi not a soul oo maybe just maybe fi Met lol.

    Let’s examine some of these glaring contradictions my Learned amiga.I love that u wanna get in pon reading up on Thomas Paine but in all my good conscience I must warn you of the awesome awakeness aWaiting u. When I brought this book the Age of Reason from Cuba to Jamaica, i gave my big brotha a Read.

    Mi sey Y’L mi brother boss call me the Friday night asking me abt his wheareabouts.Mi sey when me get thru to mi bro,the man sey tek back yuh book cuz it a mek him paranoid.One week straight the man lock up inna house n him sey a so him read a page or 2,him go peep thru the windows if any authorities a come to him fi kill him fi the knowledge him a garner.

    Mi laff so till but him get vex cuz him was dead serious. Uve been warned lol,i think PP read it too.

  13. Ok so in the beginning..apparently there was Adam n Eve.Now them have some pickneys n Cain mussi kill Able sake a jealousy.Stick a whole heap a pins now n stop lil.

    As u know incest is a Sin,the bible sey so n our laws for mankind to have gone forth n multiply Adam n/or eve Would have to get it on with them pickneys.Moreover bro n sis would have had to boil a Damn better soup than cousin n cousin becuz how else would mankind procreate??There was only ONE Family n EDen/them world mash up !!

    Next time again Noah n him bag a incest relatives nah gwaan good so GoD Decide to flood out them nastiness but spared Noah n HIS FAMILY cuz apparently they weren’t too too bad.The world wash whey n everybody Dead lef Noah n him family to breed up again so incest was wi Saviour’s method.

  14. Remember Sodom n Gomorah,everybody n unfortunately poor Lot’s lickey lickey wife included dead. Lot’s two daughters drunk off n rape them own father enuh! So that at every step of the way,from the very beginning the bible story is based on the logic that GOD in his infinite Wisdom would promote incest as a means to ensure mankind’s survival.

    How then can one accept the bible as the word of God Saying incest is wrong but in ACTION doing n perpetuating that very sin?It’s an insult to one’s inteligience!

  15. Contradictions galore obtains in the bible.

    The bible clearly states Jealousy is a Sin,yet it Quotes GOD as saying I am a Jealous GOD,thou shall worship no other before me Wth so God a sin himself?

    Read the 4 gospels,the 4 men them who claim them was among the 12 can’t seem to agree on any one thing they all saw n hear together. The term doubting Thomas is based off Disciple Thomas who refused to believe stuff he was hearing.

    Well I’m sure Thomas had his reasons for doubting n if it was good enuff 4 him,then it good enuff 4 me cuz him was there n never believe so yea me neither.

  16. @Yardie
    At least yuh loyal an nuh flim flam.

    What?!! Den mi really really really need fi read it because I have nuff unanswered questions in my young days here that I would like to have answers for when mi likkle bambino gets here.
    An fear is good, fear teach yuh caution.

  17. Yardie

    Incest indeed! But stick some more pins… Smaddie a tell me a “sin” mek us woman feel pain during labor and all types a thing so without sin does that means there would ONLY be Adam and Eve? And if so then we woulda just have a earth filled with 2 humans?
    And if without sin and Eve had to carry a child how would that guh? Di baby would’ve magically appear an disappeared? An if di baby come via pum pum would di baby just drop out with no pain?
    Mi need answers….

  18. Yardie

    Who eva rewrote the Bible did it in dem own favor… mi wonda if a di queen cause nuh suh royalty guh an she look like she’s been living since dirt exists… or a di white man cause nuff a dem incest things deh gwaan wid dem enuh?

    Did they really have names like Thomas or Mathew, Mark, Luke and John back inna Bible days? Seems like some a mi White neighbors.

  19. Hmmmm yuh onto something with those piercing Questions Y’L. You shoulda ask the same smaddie why EVE never surprize fi hear the serpent a tell her to eat the apple.Unless a regular them have them miix up convo bout what a gwaan inna EDen.

    Then u never hear sey the bible sey GOD conDemneD the snake to crawl pon him belly…but we want know how the snake DiD a move before.Was he walking upright pon him tail,him Did have foot,wings?The pastor simply won’t be able to tell u how.

    So that innocent ppl,all of mankind n future generations were all condemned to eternal Damnation cuz Eve in her longing ate a apple??are u kidDing me?!

  20. Have u ever read th KJV bible? Well is not the queen but a well established proven homosexual PeDo King James commission the modern version of the bible. We have no doubt the writings were manipulated but other reasons too.

    No two languages are the same so there are challenges in capturing the very essence word fi word when transcribing.Stuff will get lost in translation.The main feature of the bible is thart It is riddled with heresay.Ppl a sey dem hear sey ppl sey so that’s hearsay pon top of hearsay.

    Many persons in the bible such as Jesus wrote no accounts for themselves.from age12 to 30 there’s nothing abt Him cuz the disciples never know him yet but them give their account. All when Jesus a pray n a bawl like wow,one bag a weeping inna the mountain him alone.

    How them know that fi put it inna bible when he was alone?

  21. But Yardie yuh wah dem gas mi and light mi wid holy water? A one thing mi learn about most Christians, dem darker than kartel fans, if yuh bring anything to dem wid sense a war.
    Let me be clear, I 100% believe there’s a God, no doubt but I ain’t 100% sure bout the Bible.

    Apparently di snake had feet an could’ve talked but why does the snake have to suffer when it was Satan that took the form of the snake and tricked Eve? An a wonda if snake a code name fi “anaconda” because dem nuh seh Satan good looking? Eve mussi gi di bun of all times but must I suffer?

  22. Yes I am aware of kjv and about the pedo thing but it’s very trusted by the Christians.

    The hearsay parts of the Bible reminds me of my fellow Jamaicans.. if smaddie drop dead right now in the wilderness alone with nothing but dem an di elements you can count on someone to say “mi hearseh before him dead him seh a obeah dem obeah mi” or “yuh know seh before him dead him seh dis an dat” lol.

    While in school you ever did that experiment where one person passed down a message that “Johnny bought the milk” and by the news passed on it turned to “Johnny stole the milk?”
    Suh just imagine bible days when man a walk bare feet like muta baruka (mi spell it right?) bearing harsh weather, hunger, thirst, and no showers, a wonda how the news turn out? Plus you must’ve had liars and exaggerators too.

  23. Revelation 2:18 proves Jesus is NOT White. The Bible does not promote slavery, it equips us on how to better combat/maneuver it. Interpretation is everything. The problem is, many were brainwashed by their religious parents and grandparents, therefore understanding Christ and the Bible is a difficult task for them. The Bible simply speaks on every trial and tribulation mankind will face. Homosexuality. Children disobeying their parents. Fathers bedding their dauggter in laws. Wars. Famine. The Bible is a tool of liberation for those who TRULY seek spiritual freedom. Religiosity is the issue; not the Bible.

  24. The creation that is mother nature is the one true word of God,as it can’t be altered unlike the bible.The the three main tools n themes of the bible are miracles,mystery n revelation.

    Let’s look at the use of miracles cuz the bible is filled with them.We are told of the preacher Jonah fleeing becuz him never want spread the gospel. It ends up that he was swallowed by a whale n against all scientific n laws of nature odds,Jonah survives miraculously inna the whale belly for several days.

    Everyone agrees that no ONE in history can survive inna whale belly but faith requires Christian to believe Jonah did so ok.ask yourself what if it was Jonah WHO had swallowed the Whale? Wouldn’t that be a miracle too,except even if it was written in the bible n u had the Faith of Job,ur MIND couldn’t conceive it nor accept it.

    WHY would GOD use miracles as a method then when even if true,HIS ppl would view it WITH skepticism n disregard?

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