1. It’s not about her being fat its the fact that her friend wrote to santa asking him if he could give amber a christmas gift early ……all because kids in school aren’t bn nice to her….you bn a grown up should no better for making a a comment like that….smh

  1. Sometime being fat runs in the genes, however fat she is she does not deserve to be picked on. Her friend is such a sweet friend, shows how much kids are innocent.

  2. Words can hurt or heal. Adults who are ignorant pass their ignorance onto their children. Whenever I hear my son state a comment of predijuice or indifference I stop him immediately. I then ask him how he would feel if it were him and advise him to love and accept all people no matter size, race or height. Why? Because I was once ridiculed for being Jamaican in school. Yes mi plat up head use to get ridiculed. Esp for not having the latest clothes and hottest shoes. Now I am a beautiful woman with an education. Being bullied isn’t cool. And the bullies need to be reprimanded.

  3. @ Miss $tullesha .If you were to blame the parent for this child been fat , how is it her twin brother ( the writer of the letter) is so skinny?
    As a blogger stated earlier it can be a genetic disorder not necessarily over eating.
    I had a sister who was overweight and the rest of us her siblings were all skinny,yet we ate from the same pot everyday.
    Children live what they learn.We as parents need to instill in our children how to love one another not matter what the class or creed.

  4. Ask har parents!!! Anyone can picked on in school…it’s not only the unatteactive poor ones… Ijs UNNU can huff and puff all UNNU want, my was a typo ” is it because is fat?” Why the lil one write to Santa.

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