23 thoughts on “SPICE FIND MISSY QUICK

  1. Does Spice not have any sensible person on her team? She acts like a groupie/fan rather than a star. You cannot be the queen of dancehall whilst putting on these displays. I really would love to see her grow and enjoy the international recognition of a Lady Saw or Sean Paul but with these types of antics I’m inclined believe she is not ready for international success.

  2. smh,,when ishawna and DI tek all a di spotlight and u desparate fi likkle.. look how big artist like cardi B big u up and you go stoop to da level ya..

  3. KMRCT! A wah dat???? shit not even funny…. suh spice :nerd is are missy a yuh new man :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak A waaah roll… goodie issa betta yuh did suck some dick a swear…. nuh suck nuh pussy…. noooooo spice nuh dweeetooooooooo misssy f**k out everyting she send out poor yuh :rolleyes:

  4. Spice needs a good public relation Manager that teaches her how to speak, dress and act when in the public’s eye.

  5. Truth be told, doesn’t Spice strike u too as being like this in real life! !??I mean fun n joke n skit aside!!

  6. Spice is a groupie, sorry. She a big time star and run under celebrity page, liking and comment. Its nothing love with showing love. But she needs to realize who she is n let ppl come to her

  7. Y’all sound like a hater like spicy can’t work and have fun in her life it’s just a comedy video that was put up on Ig. Damn can she live

  8. I don’t get why they had to do this sketch. Will the song be about taking someone man/woman. If so I’ll pass it’s going to just be another BS we’ve all heard already. Nothing original can come from these artist smh.

  9. Spice is a bc cornball she come in like she a groupie artist whea frighten ova American artist,like lady get a grip a yuhself,I will always respect Spice work ethics but that’s it she a nuh my cup a tea as an artist,LADY SAW man di woman was a natural and still is,I watched her on YouTube on Monday at a church I think it was in Miami singing and giving praises to the almighty mi seh di woman a drop liricks nothing forced about her God give har dat gift naturally mi almost forget seh is a church service mi a watch.

  10. i really dont see why spice should get a public relations manager to teach her how to speak and act when in public….the “great?”….(and that is highly questionable description) cardi b…sounds like a crackhead fresh out of rehab…..yet she is “killing it”……spice dont need to change shit….

  11. No man me always cheer fi spice but she don’t know how to conduct her self in public big show she on the other day with cardi b and cussing bare bad words she at a international level represents Jamaica with dignity man f**k sake man this spice too damn nuff and loud she need some one to teach her how to act in public all this behaviour is unnecessary she a f**king artist and need to act like one see how being common let big stinky dutty mouth nasty foota flop try style and diss up bounty killer spice tek my foolish advice and calm the f**k down you too damn nuff and loud focus on doing some more uplifting music to support female’s

  12. I will never try diss up a female spice is a strong black woman and work hard too but stop acting like a damn groupie and act like a artist you have your children growing up fast stop being so damn vulgar you need learn how to act want the spot light and don’t know how to conduct in public space mind the hype bun up gal calm the down

  13. Spice wack u f**k.bout dancehall queen…neverrrr..not even whe lady saw dead and rotten ..no matter what kind a name brand she put on it don’t look good

  14. You guys sick stomach I swear Ok…..I’m reading these comments like these ppl life must be wack, boring & sad. One person wrote “spice frighten for American artist” first of all its call making moves “money moves” international is the move✌️ You guys are so carbs in a barrel, poor mind mentality. I bet if it was “American” Beyoncé doing this skit nuh body would’ve comment but because it’s SPICE “Jamaican” the same West Indians putting her down. Please b4 you put anyone down ask yourself this question how am I doing in life, am I living out my dreams because spice is living out hers Oh….Spice needs a “publicist” to teach her how to act, & talk why? So she can act like how you guys want her to act Most of you guys can’t even act right for God himself more less for your man, children, mother etc…etc please stop putting ppl down the white man already & still doing that for yearsssssss.

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