So mrs shushanna Blake is released again from jail last night . And already she start put up bible scriptures . You have no shame sad excuse for a mom I’m sorry to say but it’s the truth . You better count your blessings because one more time and it’s over .

Did this transvestite scuzbag say “if God brings you to it” God make you go into the people store and thiefT their goods…….continuosly??? Shim your womb ain’t even heal good and you was at it again.
I am delighted in knowing that luck runs out and yours will just like Shauna Stargirl…..speaking of, stop fighting Shauna you not staying, you going back to Yahmayca!!!
She tek people fi fool, God is not bringing any one to go rob people store and get lock up leave a newborn. Them must stop mix God in them dirty living.
Das why God nuh ramp fi use him belt
Lol quenna well said.she have a breddah a texas weh work as a garbage man. I wonder if his truck arm can reach NY and pick up him sister. Cawse she wukkklissss. And of no use to society
Quena Shawna didn’t win the right to stay in America????
She must a think to herself if “she could turn back the hands of time”
All them labels n don’t have any asset r go look about your documents in America.
Wuss u in n out a jail because u want hype life fi buy clothes n boot.
She still ah beat up her self. Hopefully ICE is still in the stage of proving that she was born in Jamaica and if so it would be to her advantage if they cannot locate her Birth Certificate from there or any other documentation tying her to the country, also it would help that no family or friends what so ever can come forward (huge hint).
Go tell you heard it on the Pink Wall where Quena is a hateful blogger!
P.S. she will need to stay in immigration custody for a year if no proof that she belongs to Jamaica is garnered then and only then will she be freed on U.S. soil.
The way she is in and out of jail from what I’m getting to understand from the comments, I would think that she would want a better life for her and her child or and children? Does she work? How does she support the children? Do she have a steady man or the father of this child does he help her? Why do women subject themselves to get caught and go to jail and perhaps loose their freedom… She needs to know that soon or later this luck that you have will run out and it is going to be to late… Her brother needs to talk to his sister and help her get in the right path… Go do better things go to school get a productive job and by these clothes that way, you can look good with clothes that are not name brand…
behave your self shushanna. Nothing to glorify and throw word
About Us
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Inmate Information
Inmate Number: 379781
Date of Birth: 12/5/1979
Latest Admission Date: 10/26/2010
Status: OTHER
Bond Amount: 0
Controlling Offense*: SPECIAL PAROLE
Date of Sentence: Not Applicable
Maximum Sentence: 0 Year(s) 0 Month(s) 0 Day(s)
Maximum Release Date: Not Applicable
Estimated Release Date: Not Applicable
Special Parole End Date: 8/1/2019
That is a long parole which means that she can’t get in no trouble for all those years……..If America don’t get u one way they sure get u another way. I hope for her sake she will stay out of trouble…
Shushanna is a loss soul that need help always talking about her friends man not giving them anything. So what your giving you why you have to thief for a living. Lol. Pick the beam out your eyes first. Being a prison bud is not something to glorify Now you know god. When you a do people the wickedness them you never know say god is love
dis gal need to go to jail she have no reason to be free she too thiefffffffffffffffff and can blootclaat girl yuh pussy not even heel up good but u wanna fall company and have ppl a watch yuh new born baby worthless all, u should be a f**king shame
Metty, it say Detainer : IMMIGRATION, does that mean Immi has a hold on her until 2019? Or come 2019 she will get deported either way?
I am not sure, the parole may be for the jail time seeing that she was arrested before and that detainer may mean immigration can go get her whenever mi huh know oo
I’ve read all these comments and everyone of you ladies have your own hammer and nail just nailing this young girl in a coffin. Cursing at someone will not let them budge…some of you should know that. I don’t know this young lady and what she’s accused of doing is wrong…but you’re method of getting through to her is so lame. Posting her record here is not a nice thing to do ladies. Remember most of us have children so be very careful…I repeat…Be very careful of the negative things you preach over someone else child! The same knife that stick sheep stick goat! My message to you Shushanna is that you ‘tek wey your self my sister’ You’ve been blessed with a beautiful baby girl so you have to grow up now and take full responsibility to raise this child in the right way. Put away all negative things you’ve done in the past and focus now on changing your life. Reading all these comments these women are making here about you should be an eye opener for you..many of whom I believe are your friends under disguise. Mek dem nyam dem words young lady. You nuh si a nuff fight yuh a get!Stop give dem things fi talk ’bout you! It’s a shame how people true colors shine when we hate others. SHame on all of you…Shame. Walk Good Shushanna and Rastafari Bless!
The shame is not on anyone speaking, the truth is the truth and it may sound bad but its the truth. If you claim you don’t know her well may that truth set you free. I for one put here when Sushanna came out that if she felt she had a problem with stealing she should go get help. It does not make sense that a grown woman keeps getting locked up for the same thing who was away for years from her child should come out and give birth …and within weeks after doing so , get locked up for the same stealing again.She came out and quickly went back around the same set of people , doing the same set of things that never worked in the first place . My advice to her is to go get help and let the government see that she is trying to get help for stealing,she can claim that it is a psychological problem , which it seems to be for real…in doing so it will help her tremendously so u can come here and call shame on those who are speaking all you want. It may look to her as if it is nothing but she should go get help…reach out to a support group or something and STOP
@ godbless. Shushanna record are public by the government and the news cast . You forget shushanna make whole lots of news and paper. Who are you kidding. No one here mek she so careless. When she a stab up the young girl with her baby name pinky when she and her mother sandra sperm a war was that right. She all do three years come out a fight a park with gal over man gal name lisa purple. My lady claim you a rasta proberly her muma If you love her talk to her to stop thief stop trouble people stop mix up people leave the. Careless life and go get a life. How much years shushanna a do the same thing all shushanna records are public she make that decision when she run out the court. And had the news and us marshal looking for her so blame them for letting the whole world know her name shushanna been to jail numerous time did prison time more than once for the same thing try to prove a point to the same set a people who dont care about her man looking rass self. When will idiot shushanna get it . Her friend them always say the way shushanna dum you can tell her anything and she believe. Lol Again. America make criminals public esp illegal aliens who come in the people dem country and make trouble every day. So be a friend to her and tell her get our a site. Abide by her paroles rules and she will be good. A. Little advice. Remember all who she thieving with and following to war with and messing with is not under parole supervision until 2019
Shushanna. Go get help my girl. You only f*ing up your life. No one else. I repeat no one else. Proving a point to dancehall folk say you a big thief and big fighter lol. You. Are just setting up your life for these sentence. Get help now before its too late where you wish you could turn back the hands of time. Done talk get help asap you are clearly a mad woman
this lady talking rubbish.
i will give her 3 months
Anonymous…If you had read the entire message I wrote..common sense would have told you that I said I didn’t know her. If she was my child I would have no reason to go under disguise as you are. What skeletons are hanging in your closet?? No one is perfect but it seems some of us gets glory when we trample on others. Even if this girl is the worst person in the world that still don’t give none of us INCLUDING MYSELF to bash her like that..that’s all I’m saying..and from what I’m reading even on other stories here on Pink wall you seem to know everybody business and always have negative comments about others. Chatty chatty mouth Anonymous…’mine yuh own business and leave people business alone’. You’re not a psychologist so stop give advise and get a life…Old kruff!
Met..I understand what you’re saying but it look bad on us posting these negative things about our own people for the world to read. When did we get so publicly evil towards each other. Jesus Christ! we need to do better than this..what other Caribbean country have a website that degrades each other so publicly. You, me and no one else here is perfect and we all have secrets we would die if they were to be posted on a website. This girl doesn’t seem to have a good track record but publicly shaming her probably won’t affect her at all. Wow! Wow! Wow! smh….
Don’t read and don’t visit then you won’t have to see or contend with it. No one is perfect and aint a soul here shaming her but do not stress yourself with logging on here if the content isn’t for you.
Met… I guess you’re right…my grandma always say show me your company and I’ll tell who you are…Bless
Yes and you have been here so it is time to change your company .