Alleged leader of the Clansman Gang, Tesha Miller has been fined J$100 after pleading guilty to one of two counts of making a false declaration to Jamaican immigration officials.
The sentence was handed down by Parish Judge Sancia Burrell in the Kingston and St Andrew Parish Court this afternoon.
One hundred Jamaican dollars is the maximum fine for a charge of this nature.
“I hope you are prepared to satisfy the maximum fine and I hope you are able to call a relative or family member to help you if you can’t manage it,” Judge Burrell is reported by the Gleaner newspaper as saying, before imposing the fine.
According to the paper, the fine triggered discussions inside the courtroom, with some persons openly expressing disbelief.
“Write to the persons you voted for and tell them to have a conversation about the fine, but we are not going to discuss it here,” Burrell said.
Miller, who pleaded not guilty on the second count, was freed after prosecutors offered no evidence against him.

3 thoughts on “TESHA MILLER FINED $100

  1. Hold on deh mek a go look uppa tap mek sure ano funny pics dis unda. Him hide Feem guard ring inna him batty cause him obeah tun right up. He will die soon tho hence why his uneasiness to settle must keep moving.

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