Hi Met, hope all is well. Just wanted to get your readers opinion on this emerging “waist training” trend. I know everyone wants to get this hourglass figure but does it come with “side effects”. I recently came across Paris’ IG page and saw where she is training her waist.
Guys what do you think about this trend?

She looks like a Barbie I love it
I love it!!! What is the waist training process? By the way Paris, your yard looks lovely!!!!!!!
Not my liking, the curve went in a bit too deep, but to each his own.
I don’t know why Kabian did that to herself, this is more than just wait training.
Mi need sum ah da tripe training regimen deh. Maybe not tuh dat extent but di I coulda lose a few inches well :ngakak
Senda, know yu health issues before hand. Blood pressure most definitely, and you can create problems for your internal organs due to the compression. Paris may look like “barbie” but from the look of things…barbie going to have issues if she don’t stop just about now.
look disgusting
she need fi train har face tuh
Now she need nose training lol
No sah is which ting give u this waist???
Tawkchuet they say its corset that does it but wudnt your internal organs get readjusted in the process?
The waist trainer is a corset, Paris is skinny very slim at that and doesnt need waist training her belly very flat. She and Sanchia ah two follow fashion bullfrog!!!
She look like she got some ribs removed to.