
Former Commissioner of Police Owen Ellington today gave evidence that Christopher ‘Dudus’ Coke told Reverend Al Miller that then Prime Minister Bruce Golding should “find a way to deal with this” or “come good” if he intended to apprehend him.

Ellington said the message was sent through the reverend after he spoke with the man of the cloth to talk to Coke about turning himself in to the police.

The former police commissioner said Miller told him that Coke said if the People’s National Party was in power, it would’ve found a way to deal with the situation.

“Tell Bruce Golding to find a way to deal with it and if him a come fi me, him have to come good,” Dudus is reported to have said.

Ellington said also that he had previously asked Bishop Herro Blair to talk to Coke, about turning himself in and that Blair reported back to him that Coke declined the offer to turn himself in and said that he hasn’t seen so many rifles in his life and that he “will be praying for me and my officers”. Ellington said he was asked by a Government official to talk to both clergymen about asking Coke to surrender.

Paul Henry

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