0 thoughts on “HIS WIFE SAYS HE IS FINE………..

  1. met, met mi sey lol a 2014 let me behave myself, met look how the man perch on the sofia,look how the man stand up like him inna miss universe, lawd met the wife now a days dont care if the man have a little sugar in the dem lol

  2. Is he wearing makeup too? The wife must mean she is fine with him being sweet. He reminds me of Rupaul yes.

  3. ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~•

  4. ……. That needs to say husband. There’s no way that he’s straight. He look like he got a face full of makeup

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