1. Suitman Andrew Woolrey is not pressing any charges and has reached a settlement with King Alarm.At a later date an official statement indicating the end of all matters pertaining to the incident will be issued…mi just a pinch unno.

    1. Wollery did not settle anything he cannot press charges because charges will be pressed on him..the tape has been released

      1. Met what occurred earlier still does not negate what occurred with King Alarm later when they step on his face and box the man while he was cuffed. The heights of unpofessionalism. All the butch guard who step on Mr Wollery’s leg ad when she could get him good enough, she come round and step pon the man face.Those 2 King alarm guards should be fired. Look like they forgot recording was going on.

        1. Let us agree to disagree. I dont think its fair for me to have to explain myself so many times , whatever I have felt from the beginning will not change, its just my opinion and I would not ask anyone to change theirs.

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