13 thoughts on “LISTEN YAH

  1. Smh Donald Trump is the scum of the earth him n him followers how did the Americas come to belong to Europeans????? How????? When they came here seeking refuge but God a God and he does not lie I’m patiently waiting for the day when the handle falls off this mad basket

  2. If all the reporters would walk out after that incident and show Trump that this is not the way you treat people we would be better off. It is the media who is fueling this nasty behavior, if the man sneeze it’s a headline,And he likes that attention it Fuels him . If all of the media houses would just stop publicizing all his antics he would have no Choice but to treat others with respect. ( or at the very least bite his tongue and not say everything that comes into his head).

  3. Tears came to my eyes. I’m thinking do we stand a chance here? This man Donald Trump is the Anti- Christ and the bible is fulfilling, he will be taken down but its going to be after all the damages are done.

  4. Who was the first guy?… there are many americans black and white who shares the same sentiments as that man in the video.

  5. This is very frightening and incredible . Racism at its peak and an orange beast at the front line of power. Don’t worry though, because GOD IS IN CONTROL .

    To witness this level of open hate and discrimination is diisturbing !
    Thank you reporter for sharing your story.

  6. I tried but could not listen to all of it. IGNORANT is not the word for this fool. They have convinced themselves that they are superior and better than everyone else. When I heard him say that whites are superior in their intelligence than Blacks, this is when I stopped watching. When we in Africa was performing brain surgery in Kemet now called Egypt THEY were still in their caves naked and cold,yet Kemert is a baby to Cush ( now called Ethiopia) because it was the Cushites who taught the Ketmetians how to read and write. Not to mention Nubia now Sudan and the excellent knowledgeable Weat African. Let me just stop there because if I go into our (Africans) history and all we have contributed to civilization I would not stop typing. Go research Dr. Charles Finch to learn about brain surgeries being done in Africa ( his lectures can be seen on you tube) look for Ashra (sp) Kwasi’s videos and his wife’s. Dr. John Henrik Clarke, the great Dr. Ben, Barabshango and more to learn the greatness of our people. All of America and Europe is constructed as how Kemet was in ancient times and there are reasons for this. They dislike for us has to do with their jealousy of us and who we really are, perhaps we do not know who we are and the greatness we come from but they certainly do. Jealous of what you may ask? Our melanin, yes the black skin is precious. They are dying out, the sun is their enemy, this is why they are ( in a decoy way) supporting the interracial thing e.g. Kanye and Kim dem, the only way there will be a semblance of them, caws we will always be here, they cannot survive here much longer this is fact!

  7. This idiot is not Trump and does not represent Trump…
    TRUMP say Illegal Immigrants, that law is in every country for Illegal immigrants . TRUMP say ban on Muslims until certain things sort out, nothing is wrong with that… So lo Trump as this man is a idiot and is not Trump… Some people misunderstand what Trump has said and they create their own version… Illegal immigrants and Muslims is what Trump said, nothing wrong with what he said if you take the time to actually think about it…

  8. Jah know star is a mad man a Mek decisions. It doomed anyways if ppl did a read revelation yea. Dem hate black ppl bad like a we mek we self. It’s messed up doe.

  9. LOL… Well if this is what Cheeto and his followers want, cool. If Blacks are asked to leave America, then will whites vacate Africa & the Caribbean???

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