Hi Met, There is a crime spree currently affecting our beloved Jamaica so i’m relaying info that your readers may find useful. Kindly see the attached re warnings the police…
So mi notice from wah day miss shamiele and Mr chubbie all up in each other comments…is a Fanclub, dem a f@#k or dem is new found besfren?! Caz everybody…
She come to BRT giving out her number to men like she on sale . Guess it was BOGO season.
This a get serious now so dream u really seh so everybody and them moda kno seh a long time the man left u a never you lef him you…
According to the Bronx, Marcel officially drop Tina and is dating a Registered Nurse. Question how does the registered nurse feel that another woman is claiming her man as her…
This is a PSA to Greg, aka Breed Easy. Ma cousin made the mistake n got pregnant fo that low life non working bum a*s nigga n cuz she don’t…
The big question is why not stop after the coat? So here he is admitting that men feel like they are lacking within a relationship why they cheat or that…
Teenager chopped to death allegedly by mad man A teenaged girl was chopped to death by a man believed to be of unsound mind along Washington Boulevard in Kingston yesterday….
I should have listened to my parents who warned me —Wife SHE’S RIGHT ABOUT MANY THINGS, BUT I ’LL CHANGE —HUSBAND A frustrated wife has dragged her husband before an…